Now I'm sure you wouldn't be here if you didnt know who I was but I'll add a really pointless profile page anyway. It helps to flesh things out a little bit and gives me something else to do when I'm at home feeling bored.

The Basics!


Brenig, Satanica or DarkSatanica depending on where you find me. Or Hair Beast if you know me from uni or from the Whores of Babylon.


Currently set up home out in the sticks of Leicestershire. Looking to move soon further in to the city soon for drinking conveniences.


Currently spend my days giving IT support to estate agents across the UK, and occasionally slightly further afield. It's a fun job where I get to bash my head against walls trying to talk people, who wont listen, through doing things that probably wont work

On the plus side there are some great people I take extended calls with, atleast when there's noone around to notice

Other Gumph!


Just getting back in to playing with HTML, hence this site springing up. Great fan of playing computer and video games in a bid to kill time. It's completely non-destructive and gives me the chance to get out any violent tendencies on some random creature.

I've been playing an online game, now known as A3:Awakening, for over 6 years. Don't tend to spend too long on each day but its also a great waste of time

As far as music is concerned its mainly Heavy Metal and the various spin offs. Recently started to get an interest in dance music in its various guises... preferably industrial, electronica and EBM.

Love to watch films just so long as they arent cheesey crap that doesnt so much make you think as let your brain dribble out your ear. If I want mindless I'll watch a pointless action flick... great fun!

Currently on the road to getting proper IT qualifications beyond A-Level. Still waiting to get the number to take the A+ exams.


Favourite club has to be Retribution in Leicester. Opened a few years ago, it effectively took the place of the ailing Alcatraz round the corner. Drinks arent badly priced, and there's guaranteed heavy metal, upstairs, every Saturday. It's also spread over 3 floors so middle floor has the pool tables and downstairs has different nights depending on which week it is. Autonomy on the first Saturday of the month is damn good!

Just down the road there's Jacey's bar. Good pre-Ret pub that always plays decent tunes and are, again, not overly pricing their beer!



Not a single favourite as there are far too many to choose from. General its a comedy selection. Feel free to pick from any of the Monty Python films or Shaun of the Dead. Other favouries include... most of my DVD collection as I don't agree with populating it with shite!


Fairly wide ranging selection the dominated by heavy metal. Currently listening to Cradle of Filth, Nine Inch Nails, System of a Down, Machine Head, Slayer, Celldweller and assorted other bands

For dance music I've currently got in my grubby mits some CombiChrist, Lab4, Ultraviolence and VNV Nation.